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DKG NEWS Jul/Aug 2022 | Vol. 79 No. 4

         Leading with Purpose

         By Becky Sadowski

         2020-2022 International President

                                    ur organization acknowl-     During revitalization meetings with state organiza-
                              Oedges the importance of  tions requesting assistance from the international level,
                              being “guided by purpose.” We  we often discuss leadership and specific characteristics
                              depend on  our mission  state- that members believe describe an effective leader. Sev-
                              ment  and Purposes to guide  eral responses are shared frequently: forward thinking,
                              us as we consider programs,  willingness to be open to new possibilities and different

                              projects, and other  possible  points of view, courage, ability to inspire others, strong
        initiatives at all levels of DKG. When asked to describe  work ethic, understanding the importance of recogniz-
        their chapters, members often respond by describing  ing individuals and the group for a job well done, and
        their activities and special interests or the passions of  making sure members feel the work they are doing does
        their chapter members. Some have shared how they  make a difference. That’s quite a list, isn’t it? I hope my
        believe they are fulfilling specific DKG Purposes and  sharing it with you points out that we need all kinds of
        convey a sense of pride in their efforts.             leaders in DKG. We need YOU!

            “Purpose” has  been a keyword for all of us this
        biennium.  Every day  we have been confronted with               “What is it that we
        the challenge of change…finding new ways to accom-               are really trying to
        plish  our work  and provide  the tools  and  resources         accomplish? What is
        for guiding groups through the process  of creating                  our purpose?”
        positive change.  Whether involving  a chapter, state
        organization, or international committee or board, in    In an article I read recently, the author addressed
        most situations one very big question seems to drive  the need for organizations to look beyond where we are

        decision making: “What is it that we are really trying  and what we need now. As leaders, we must look ahead
        to accomplish? What is our purpose?” Leaders under- and plan strategically to ensure a strong future for DKG.
        stand the importance of having a vision as they work  Although DKG has faced many challenges in its history,
        toward achieving a goal.                              we strive to advance as a strong, relevant organization.
            All of us are leaders, but our styles of leadership  The last 2 years have taught us the importance of being
        may be different. In DKG, we appreciate those differ- flexible, nimble, and forward thinking!
        ences. Is one style of leadership more effective than    It is our responsibility as members to explore possi-

        another? What most of us have discovered is that differ- bilities for our organization and decide how we want to
        ent situations may call for different kinds of leadership.  participate and contribute in the life of DKG. Thank you
        When we work together to share our different talents,  for supporting DKG as you lead with purpose to support
        perspectives, and solutions, we begin to see firsthand  our mission, dream about future possibilities, and care
        the value of being part of a team. As a team member,  for our members and the world in which we live.
        are you demonstrating the kind of behavior you want to
        see in other members with whom you are working?

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