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Nov/Dec 2022 | Vol. 79 No. 6


        Read the Bulletin: Collegial Exchange in print, right           FLIPBOOK
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        Read the Bulletin: Journal online in Flipbook format.


           n August 2022, I started as the new Europe Regional Director 2022–2024. I am very honored to have been
        Ielected to this position. Working with state organizations of eight European countries is exciting. Estonia,
        Finland, Germany, Great Britain, Iceland, the Netherlands, Norway, and Sweden all have different school systems,

        and we all speak different languages. One of the most important goals for this biennium is, therefore, to encour-
        age the members of Europe to connect, learn from each other, share good ideas, and meet in person or via Zoom.
            In order to realize this connection, the European Forum adopted the idea of sharing educational topics. Each
        country was instructed to hold a seminar or discussion on an educational topic through a Zoom meeting. Each
        state organization was free to choose a subject. All European members were invited; approximately 75 members
        attended the meetings live, and many watched the recordings in the weeks that followed. The recordings on the
        varied topics, which are in English, are still on the European website and are available for everyone. This oppor-
        tunity brought members closer together. During this biennium, we will continue the presentation of educational
        topics. The first will be presented in January 2023.

            This year we will again hold a joint Christmas celebration on Lucia Day (December 13). During this gathering,
        all countries will share their traditions around Christmas with songs, recipes, costumes, and much more.
            Moving Forward with Vitality, Relevance, and Sustainability in our Changing World is the theme of the 2023
        international conferences. Yes, our world is changing. The war in Ukraine turned the world upside down. In
        Europe, we have many refugees, especially women and children. First, they needed a safe home and, after that,
        education and work. In many countries in Europe, special classrooms have been set up for this group. Ukrainian
        teachers were asked to continue teaching in person or online so that all children still could follow lessons, both

        in Ukraine and in other European countries. Some DKG chapters in Europe are helping and collecting money for
        special projects during this crisis.
            Members of the  Steering Committee for the 2023 International Conference in Tampere, Finland, had their first
        meeting in that city. They visited the Tampere Hall and the conference hotel. Arrangements are being made, and
        hard work is underway to make the international conference in 2023 a great success. The conference will give
        participants the opportunity to meet, learn, and promote diversity in our Society. Moreover, attendees will also have
        lots of fun!              Marie-Antoinette Hubers de Wolf (Netherlands State Organization), Europe Regional
        Director 2022–2024
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