Page 39 - 2022-Jour_88-3_FINAL
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of the deceased past presidents. Interviewees were also questioned about each of
            the deceased presidents and their recall of leadership successes/challenges of those
            earlier leaders in cases where they knew those earlier leaders. This information,
            along with the historical material retained by the chapter, provided information to
            help researchers develop a profile for most of the earlier presidents in addition to
            those able to be interviewed.
               Of the 26 past presidents, both surviving and deceased, all were White. Age,
            at time of service ranged from 37–76 years, with the largest percentage (50%) in
            the 55–64 range. Figure 1 displays the age ranges of past presidents at their time of

            Figure 1

            Age at Time of Service








              85 or older

                       0           2           4           6           8           10           12          14

               In  the  chapter,  presidents  serve  in  2-year  terms;  no  president  served  two
            consecutive  terms.  Prior  to  service  in  the  presidential  role  for  Beta  Upsilon,  all
            presidents  had  experience  in  the  educational  field.  The  education  level  of  Beta
            Upsilon presidents included 38.46% with only a bachelor’s degree, 46.15% with a
            master’s degree, and 15.38% with a doctoral degree (Figure 2).

            Educators’ Choice                                                                                  37
   34   35   36   37   38   39   40   41   42   43   44