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in their own imaginative worlds. The book also includes beanbag games, jump rope
songs and rhymes, marbles, jacks, and many other familiar games. Readers will nod
their heads and say, “Yes, I remember that one!”
As I read the games and activities, I thought of myself and others as grandparents
who can use this book as a resource to share with grandchildren during play time as
well as share some history of themselves. In addition to being appropriate in schools
and childcare facilities, the book can be used in a retirement home or senior center
Dr. Phyllis J. Broughton, where participants may recall their memories of playing these games and activities
retired Dean of Academic during their youth. Games will help them focus on memory, enhance their motor
and Student Affairs skills, and bring joy as they remember earlier times. Educators of children or adults
from Martin Community
College, Williamston, with special needs may take advantage of some of these games as neither reading nor
North Carolina, is currently technology is required. It is all simply “play.”
Teaching Assistant This book is a wonderful resource of activities for parents, educators, youth- and
Professor of Adult senior-center leaders, and grandparents. It is full of games and activities all in one
Education in the College book! Educators can use these games and suggested play as a means to understand
of Education, East Carolina what is happening in students’ lives. Through these games and play activities,
University, Greenville,
North Carolina. She is children often identify their own fears, worries, and self-efficacy. Playing provides
a member and current them a safe environment to express their thoughts, feelings, and dreams.
chapter president (2020- Through the world of play, educators and others can promote healthy and positive
2022) of Beta Upsilon connections by building and strengthening relationships and friendships. “Red rover,
Chapter of North Carolina red rover, send Dr. Kaye Dotson right over!”
State Organization.;
70 The Delta Kappa Gamma Bulletin: International Journal for Professional Educators