Page 13 - 2024_Jour_90-5
P. 13

Table 1
            Overview of Research Participants and Relationships in the Partnership

                            District A      District B         District C       District D        District E
             University                         2                  1                 3                4
             P-12         Dr. Mack      Ms. Franklin,                         Mr. Davis,
             Personnel    Bullard,      Human Resources                       Assistant
                          Director of                                         Superintendent
             Mentor                                        Mrs. Taylor        Mrs. Cross      Mrs. Green
             Intern                                        Allison            Sarah           Tonya
             University                 Ms. Roberts,       Mrs. Westbrook,    Dr. Adams,      Dr. Pace, University
             Faculty and                Clinical Director;   University Mentor;  Dean of      Supervisor;
             Staff                                                            Education
                                        Dr. Berry, Dean of  Mr. Russell,                      Dr. Matthews,
                                        Education          Coordinator                        Clinical Director

            Note. All names are pseudonyms with the exclusion of Dr. Mack Bullard.
               The interns attended University System of Georgia public universities in south
            Georgia  ranging  in  size  from  the  smallest  enrollment  of  2,950  to  the  largest  at
            8,307 students. Three undergraduate intern teachers were seeking initial teaching
            certification: two were in an elementary education program and one in a middle-
            grades math and science program. All three mentor teachers had a specialist degree
            in education; their years of teaching experience ranged from 16 to 30 years.
               Remaining participants were from P–12 districts and universities; the three P–12
            district personnel were from three different districts. All individuals worked as either
            assistant superintendents or human resource directors. Seven university personnel
            were  faculty  or  staff  members  closely  working  with  the  model.  The  university
            personnel  included  one  dean  of  education,  one  associate  dean  of  education,  one
            education  department  chair,  two  field  and  clinical  experiences  directors,  one
            university mentor teacher, and one director in the education department.

            Focus Groups and Semi-Structured Interviews
               Collection  of  the  data  occurred  through  focus  groups  and  semi-structured
            interviews. With a large demographic region in which participants worked, it was
            best to conduct virtual focus groups utilizing Google Meets technology to ensure
            participants did not travel long distances to a specific site. I recorded focus group
            sessions and individual interviews with a handheld audio recorder and the built-in
            screen recorder on the computer. The focus group sessions lasted approximately 75
            minutes each, contributing to approximately 225 minutes of interview data. Seven
            individual interviews and one paired interview took place. Each interview lasted
            approximately 45 minutes and provided approximately 360 minutes of data.

            Document Collection
               To ensure triangulation of data to learn about the model, I requested documents

            Promoting Professional and Personal Growth of Educators and Excellence in Education                11
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