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(p. 50). Collaboration helps educators connect (Wong, 2004). Reitman and Karge
                             (2019) reported teachers cited individual relationships as indicators of supportive
                             processes  helping  them  during  their  induction  phase  of  teaching.  Participants  in
                             Reitman  and  Karge’s  study  (2019)  received  support  from  a  partnership  between
                             a  university  and  several  school  districts.  They  reported  the  “features  of  support
                             enhanced each participant’s individual teaching and … were critical to the teachers’
                             longevity in the field of teaching” (Reitman & Karge, 2019, p. 15).
        Dr. Michael Bochenko    Although support assists new teachers with gaining knowledge about their roles
        is an assistant professor   and  responsibilities  in  the  school  building,  studies  show  teachers  do  not  always
        and program coordinator   feel supported. Garcia and Weiss (2019) analyzed data compiled through surveys
        in educational leadership
        at Valdosta State    conducted by the U.S. Census Bureau for the Department of Education. Data included
        University. He served as a   results from the Schools and Staffing Survey (SASS), Teacher Follow-Up Survey
        superintendent, assistant   (TFS), and National Teacher and Principal Survey (NTPS). Their report aimed to
        superintendent, and high   examine “the early career supports available to novice teachers in the first year of
        school principal for most   their careers, as well as the continued learning opportunities available to teachers
        of his K–12 education   throughout their careers” (Garcia & Weiss, 2019, p. 5). Using data from the 2015–
        career. When working
        with doctoral candidates,   2016 NTPS, Garcia and Weiss (2019) reported, “…Less than half of the teachers
        Bochenko assists them in   report feeling fully supported by the school administration, their colleagues, or the
        their research pertaining   community  in  general”  (p.  22). These  researchers  found  about  half  the  teachers
        to organizational    reported feeling supported by school leaders but did not see the cooperative effort by
        leadership, school culture,   colleagues (Garcia & Weiss, 2019). Garcia and Weiss (2019) also found teachers did
        superintendent and school   not feel heard regarding school policy and their classrooms. These findings aligned
        board leadership, and
        instructional supervision.  with negative perceptions of school climate and culture.

        mjbochenko@valdosta .  Mentoring
        edu                     Comprehensive induction programs include elements of mentoring. Mentoring
                             should involve teachers who teach similar grades and subjects (Sutcher et al., 2016).
                             Sutcher et al. (2016) defined a job-alike teacher as “a mentor teacher in the same
                             subject area [and having] common planning time with teachers in the same subject”
                             (p. 6). Reitman and Karge (2019) found mentors who were accessible and positive
                             and who spent time with new teachers impacted the new teacher’s perception of his
                             or her professional competence. Mentor guidelines include rigorous mentor selection
                             based on “evidence of outstanding teaching practice, strong intra- and inter-personal
                             skills, experience with adult learners, respect of peers, [and] current knowledge of
                             professional development” (New Teacher Center, 2016, p. 1).

                             Professional Development
                                Comprehensive induction programs include professional development. Garcia
                             and Weiss (2019) stated, “To ensure that both early supports and ongoing professional
                             development fulfill their intended missions, they need to be adequate, sustained, and
                             meaningful to teachers” (p. 31). Reitman and Karge (2019) studied an induction
                             program comprised of university faculty mentors. The university faculty mentors
                             provided  5  years  of  support  to  new  teachers  through  onsite  visits  and  seminars
                             tailored to the needs of the new teachers. Reitman and Karge (2019) found 100% of
                             new teachers who went through the program were still teaching between 5 and 16
                             years after this intervention.
                                Because  new  teachers  are  beginning  to  apply  what  they  learned  during
                             teacher-preparation programs in their practice, they need additional time to learn
                             implementation  processes.  In  their  study,  Garcia  and  Weiss  (2019)  found  that

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