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The Delta Kappa Gamma Bulletin
Editorial Board
Charlotte Lindgren, PhD, 2020-2024
Senior Lecturer, Associate Professor
Department of Education
Uppsala University
Uppsala, Sweden
Sharlene McGowan, PhD, 2022-2026
University of Regina and
First Nations University of Canada
Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
Dorrie J. Powell, EdD, 2020-2024
Retired Educator
Hardeman County Schools
Bolivar, TN
Kammie Richter, PhD, 2022-2026
Retired Educator
Oakwood Unified School District CUSD#76
Fithian, IL
Judith R. Merz, EdD, Editor
Doctoral Advisor, Educational Leadership
Nova Southeastern University
Ft. Lauderdale, Florida
Designed by Bailey Bauer
Publications and Media Specialist, DKG HQ Staff
The Bulletin, an official publication of The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International, promotes professional and
personal growth of members through publication of their writings. Three online issues per year, subtitled International
Journal for Professional Educators, focus on research-based and documented works—applied and data-based research,
position papers, program descriptions, reviews of literature, and other articles on topics of interest to educators. Two print
issues, subtitled Collegial Exchange, focus on articles based on practice and experience related to education, the Society,
women, and children, as well as personal reflections and creative works.
Submissions to the Bulletin, a refereed publication, are reviewed by the Editorial Board and the Society editorial staff.
Selection is based on relevance of the topics addressed, accuracy and validity, contribution to the professional literature,
originality, quality of writing, and adherence to Submission Guidelines (see Editorial Board members evaluate
each submission’s focus, organization, development, readability, and relevance to the general audience of Bulletin readers.
Due to the diversity of the Bulletin audience, material that expresses a gender, religious, political, or patriotic bias is not
suitable for publication.
Please send materials to or to Bulletin Editorial Staff, The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International,
12710 Research Blvd., Ste. 230, Austin, TX 78759-4395.
The Delta Kappa Gamma Bulletin (ISSN 0011-8044; USPS 715-850; IPM 0302295) is published five times each year by The Delta
Kappa Gamma Society International, 12710 Research Blvd., Ste. 230, Austin, Texas, 78759-4395. Periodicals Postage paid at
Austin, Texas. Subscription, U.S. $31 per year; single copies, $7 each (journal) or $5 each (magazine). International dues include
subscription to The Delta Kappa Gamma Bulletin. Views expressed do not necessarily agree with positions taken by The Delta
Kappa Gamma Society International.
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Delta Kappa Gamma Bulletin
12710 Research Blvd., Ste. 230, Austin, TX, 78759-4395.