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Our  governance  structure  is  what  I  would  refer  to  as  three-dimensional  in
                             nature and includes representation from many perspectives (Table 1), ensuring that
                             clear and transparent communication is shared among each of the three governing/
                             decision-making  bodies.  One  dimension  of  the  governance  structure  is  the  PDS
                             Steering Committee at each partnership campus. This committee is chaired by the
                             campus principal and includes the Baylor University liaison, the school site-based
                             coordinator (a position that is split-funded by the university and the school district),
                             teachers, community members, and, at most campuses, Baylor candidates and public
                             school students. Responsibilities of this group include campus goal setting, problem-
                             solving, and everyday partnership operations. The committee meets two times each
                             semester and includes representatives who serve on the larger PDS Coordinating

        Table 1

        Roles and responsibilities within PDSs at Baylor University

         PDS Campus Principal           The instructional leader of a PDS campus who upholds the goals
                                        and policies of both the school district and the university and, in
                                        collaboration with the university liaison and site-based coordinator,
                                        facilitates communication between partners.

         University Liaison             A university-based representative with primary responsibility for
                                        facilitating communication and interaction between the university and
                                        a particular partnership campus.
         Site-based Coordinator         A school-based partnership representative who holds broad
                                        responsibility for preservice teachers as well as helps to facilitate
                                        partnership scheduling and other operations at a particular PDS
                                        campus. This position is split-funded by the district and the university.
         District Partnership Liaison   A district leader who monitors initiatives, activities, and performance
                                        in the partnership and serves as the official partnership liaison on
                                        behalf of the school district.
         Director of Professional       A Baylor faculty member who supports the work of all PDS and
         Practice (University           partner campuses, fosters development of new partnerships and PDS
         Partnership Liaison)           initiatives, and serves as the official liaison for partnerships on behalf
                                        of the university.
        Adapted from Table 1 included in McCall et al. (2017, p. 9 and definitions of roles and responsibilities as outlined in the
        Baylor/Midway ISD Partnership Memoranda of Understanding.
                                A  second  dimension  of  our  governance  structure  is  the  PDS  Coordinating
                             Council. This group is made up of the principals, university liaisons, and site-based
                             coordinators from each of the PDS sites and is cochaired by the Baylor Partnership
                             Liaison and the PDS District Partnership Liaisons. Members of this council “are
                             responsible for practical planning and implementation of the partnership” (NCATE,
                             2010, p. 14), meeting five times a year and making recommendations to the Oversight
                             Council based on input from both the campus steering committees and the PDS
                             Coordinating Council.
                                The third dimension of the governance structure is the PDS Oversight Council,
                             which  is  made  up  of  superintendents  and  curriculum  directors  from  the  partner
                             districts and deans and department chairs at the university. The Oversight Council

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