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Looking Ahead
In this article we have aimed at providing a rationale and specific examples about
the benefits of partnerships between schools and universities. Many schools and
universities have long-running, mutually beneficial partnerships that have benefited
teachers, administrators, teacher candidates (future teachers), university faculty, and
students from grades Pre-Kindergarten through secondary school.
In an effort to establish suggestions for school-university partnerships, the
Dr. Michael Cosenza is NAPDS recently published a revised edition of The Nine Essentials of Professional
a professor at California Development Schools (NAPDS, 2021). Table 2 describes these essentials. Regardless
Lutheran University and of your role in education, we encourage you to consider how you may initiate,
Executive Director of
National Association for expand, or support partnership work between schools and universities. At the end
Professional Development of the day, partnerships like these do so much to benefit all participants, especially
Schools (NAPDS). admin@ students.
Table 2
NAPDS Revised Nine Essentials (Adapted from NAPDS, 2021)
Essential Description
Essential 1: A Comprehensive A professional development school (PDS) is a learning community
Mission guided by a comprehensive, articulated mission that is broader than
the goals of any single partner and that aims to advance equity,
antiracism, and social justice within and among schools, colleges/
universities, and their respective community and professional partners.
Essential 2: Clinical A PDS embraces the preparation of educators through clinical
Preparation practice.
Essential 3: Professional A PDS is a context for continuous professional learning and leading
Learning and Leading for all participants, guided by need and a spirit and practice of
Essential 4: Reflection and A PDS makes a shared commitment to reflective practice, responsive
Innovation innovation, and generative knowledge.
Essential 5: Research and A PDS is a community that engages in collaborative research and
Results participates in the public sharing of results in a variety of outlets.
Essential 6: Articulated A PDS requires intentionally evolving written articulated
Agreements agreement(s) that delineate the commitments, expectations, roles, and
responsibilities of all involved.
Essential 7: Shared A PDS is built upon shared, sustainable governance structures that
Governance Structures promote collaboration, foster reflection, and honor and value all
participants’ voices.
Essential 8: Boundary- A PDS creates space for, advocates for, and supports college/
Spanning Roles university and P–12 faculty to operate in well-defined, boundary-
spanning roles that transcend institutional settings.
Essential 9: Resources and A PDS provides dedicated and shared resources and establishes
Recognition traditions to recognize, enhance, celebrate, and sustain the work of
partners and the partnership.
12 The Delta Kappa Gamma Bulletin: International Journal for Professional Educators