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                                             Appendix A
                             Prompts for the Scenario-based Surveys
              1.  What is the likelihood that you would hire and give this individual a chance
                  for the position?
              2.  What is the likelihood that the applicant will generate uneasiness with fellow
                  colleagues in the position?
              3.  What is the likelihood that the applicant will make a good employee in the
              4.  What is the likelihood that the applicant will be disorganized in the position?
              5.  What is the likelihood that your company will be able to train and promote
                  this individual in the future?

                                             Appendix B
                                      The Checklist Statements
              1.  Individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IDD) will be
                  less efficient in the job.
              2.  I sometimes find it difficult to hire individuals with IDD.
              3.  On occasion I doubt my decision to hire individuals with IDD.
              4.  Individuals with IDD work harder than those without IDD.

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