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Educator Resources
Books • Cassetta, G. (2015). Classroom management matters: The social-
emotional learning approach children deserve. Heinemann.
• Chang, M. (2004). Classroom management in photographs. Teaching
• Delisle, D., & Delisle, H. (2021). Creating kind compassionate kids:
Classroom activities to enhance self-awareness, empathy, and personal
growth in grades 3–6. Routledge.
• Simonsen, C., & Myers, D. (2015). Classwide positive behavior
interventions and supports: A guide to proactive classroom management.
The Guilford Press.
Online Resources • Alber, R. (2016). Resources for creating a radically compassionate
• Edutopia. (2015). Classroom management: Resource roundup. https://
• Everfi. (2021). 8 activities for building a compassionate classroom culture
with elementary students.
• Wagner, D. (2021). We all teach SEL: Compassion activities and tools for
Many educational resources are available to support students who exhibit
challenging behaviors. Students benefit from educators who understand the causes
behind such behaviors and the importance of SEL supports. These supports can
provide students with opportunities to strengthen their literacy skills while also
improving their social-emotional skills. As Connor and Hildenbrand (2020)
pointed out, teaching social-emotional skills in the “context of a book can provide
opportunities for students to engage in productive discussions about their culture and
identity, as well as to explore power dynamics in society and to consider how our
choices affect others” (para. 6). Educators can help students embrace the message of
the piece of literature and use it to support their own SEL growth.
Alber, D. (2019). Scribble stones. Author.
CASEL. (2021). Overview of SEL.
Chai, Z., & Lieberman-Betz, R. (2016). Strategies for helping parents of young children address
challenging behaviors in the home. Teaching Exceptional Children, 48(4), 186–194.
Chen, G. (2020). 10 major challenges facing public schools. Public School Review. https://www.
Connor, R., & Hildenbrand, A. (2020). SEL and literacy: A natural fit. Center for Responsive
60 The Delta Kappa Gamma Bulletin: International Journal for Professional Educators