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                                                                           The Delta Kappa Gamma Bulletin
            Poetry                                                         Collegial Exchange
            31 O Delta Kappa Gamma
               By Helen Sims Shaw                                          Editorial Board
                                                                           Charlotte Lindgren, PhD, 2020–2024
            50 Opportunities, Contributions, Impact                        Sweden
               By Jayne Brainard                                           Barbara Perry-Sheldon, EdD, 2018–2022

            From the DKG Fine Arts Gallery                                 North Carolina
                                                                           Nora L. Pollard, PhD, 2018–2022
            16 Hands that Bind Four Generations of Women                   New Jersey
               Photograph by Mary Mehaffey                                 Dorrie J. Powell, EdD, 2020–2024

            20 Do You Know The Way to Go                                   Tennessee
               Photograph by Connie Savell                                 Editor             Graphic Design
                                                                           Judith Merz, EdD   Taylor Osborn
            21 A Natural Garden                                            Nevada
               Photograph by Kimberly Beckerdite
                                                                           The Bulletin, an official publication of The Delta Kappa
            22 End of the perfect day                                      Gamma Society International, promotes professional
               Photograph by Sherrie Hines                                 and personal growth of members through publication
                                                                           of their writings. Three online issues per year, subtitled
            59 DKG Love                                                    International Journal for Professional Educators, focus
                                                                           on research-based and documented works—applied and
               Mixed Media by Linda Dilger                                 data-based research, position papers, program descriptions,
                                                                           reviews of literature, and other articles on announced
                                                                           themes or other topics of interest to educators. Two print
                                                                           issues, subtitled Collegial Exchange, focus on articles
            Columns                                  Editorial             based on practice and experience related to education,
                                                                           the Society, women, and children, as well as personal
                                                                           reflections and creative works. All five issues include book
            51  Centennial Celebration               3  Submissions        and technology reviews and letters to the editor.
                                                                                Submissions to the Bulletin, a refereed publication,
               100 Years! 100 Different Ways         4  From the Editor    are reviewed by the Editorial Board and the Society
                                                                           editorial staff. Selection is based on relevance of the
            52  Communications & Marketing           63  References        topics addressed, accuracy and validity, contribution to the
               Marketing DKG Within/Beyond the                             professional literature, originality, quality of writing, and
               Society                                                     adherence to Submission Guidelines (see
                                                                           Editorial Board members evaluate each submission’s focus,
            54  DKGIEF                                                     organization, development, readability, and relevance to the
               Donors, Donations, and Greatest Need                        general audience of Bulletin readers. Due to the diversity
                                                                           of the Bulletin audience, material that expresses a gender,
            55  Educational Excellence                                     religious, political, or patriotic bias is not suitable for
               Perspectives of Online Teaching and                         publication.
                                                                             Please send materials to or to
               Learning: An Educational Project from                       Bulletin Editorial Staff, The Delta Kappa Gamma Society
               DKG Puerto Rico                                             International, 1801 E. 51st St., Ste 365-163, Austin, TX
            59  International Speakers Fund
               ISF Opportunities and Leadership                            Subscribers
                                                                           The Delta Kappa Gamma Bulletin (ISSN 0011-8044;
               Connections                                                 USPS 715-850; IPM 0302295) is published five
            61  World Fellowship                                           times each year by The Delta Kappa Gamma Society
                                                                           International, 1801 E. 51st St., Ste 365-163, Austin, Texas.
               From Kazakhstan to the United States:                       Periodicals Postage paid at Austin, Texas. Subscription,
               An Experience of a Lifetime                                 U.S. $31 per year; single copies, $7 each. International
                                                                           dues include subscription to The Delta Kappa Gamma
                                                                           Bulletin. Views expressed do not necessarily agree with
                                                                           positions taken by The Delta Kappa Gamma Society
                                                                           Send address changes to
                                                                           The Delta Kappa Gamma Bulletin
                                                                           1801 E. 51st St., Ste 365-163, Austin, TX 78723

            2  ·  Volume 88-2
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