Page 8 - 2021-Mag-88-2
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Even an award delivered virtually provokes pride in the presenter and surprised joy in the recipient!
developing a multi-dimensional electronic audio Although chapters are the heart of our
book (a CD) was accepted, Odelia Schrunk joined Society, members are the heart of the chapter.
me, and together we co-authored Our Heritage Traditionally, only a few chapter members have
Volume III. The CD was presented to the Society at had the opportunity to attend DKG events on
the 2010 International Convention and is available the state organization, regional, or international
on the DKG website ( The compendium levels, resulting in member disconnect. Access
of 847 pages (when printed) contains 18 chapters to the Internet, however, has brought Society
providing evidence of leadership and 27 appendices participation directly to each of our 58,000
honoring everyone who had sustained, perpetuated, members. Conversations with Society leaders,
expanded, and diversified our Society, prompting us virtually attending and participating in meetings,
to dedicate H3 to all members. and listening to or interacting with inspirational
Being known as “The Society Like No speakers became accepted practices with Zoom. I
Other,” DKG is the largest professional women’s would never underestimate the importance of in-
organization in the world. As an honor society, we person functions; however, our member-to-Society
have remained true to our essence since 1929. Our and Society-to-member connections have been
Purposes, the standards of our character, set us revolutionized.
apart from other organizations: uniting, honoring, In DKG, we pride ourselves on discovering
advancing, initiating, endowing, stimulating, and new and intentional ways to support, recognize,
informing. honor, and encourage one another. We are putting
The internationalizing of our Society into practice the statement, “Elevating one another
introduced new cultural and educational elevates us all.”
dimensions to DKG. Welcoming our fifth “Without YOU our Society would not be the
geographic region and thus having members in same” is a powerful reality. Whether it is a chapter
Canada, Europe, Latin American, Japan, and the venue or in any other circumstances … we are
United States brought educators in 17 member valued. Our voices can be heard, our perspectives
countries together. Personifying “genuine honored. What we have to contribute, individually
spiritual fellowship,” we constructed professional and collectively, has significant impact on how our
communities for sharing educational practices, Society functions and how we move forward. How
philanthropy, activism, and networking. AMAZING is it to be one of 58,000 members and to
know our thoughts, efforts, and contributions matter!
Postscript: If I could gather the components of my DKG story into one artistic image, a mosaic would
best capture the journey. I envision that canvas to feature bright and colorful portraits of chapter, state
organization, and international members, colleagues, and friends. The sketches would be highlighted
with strong words and phrases recalling cherished moments and treasured memories! As for the title…it
would be “Together!” I thank you!
6 · Volume 88-2