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            Action steps: Executive committee responsible for…
               •  personalized communication;
               •  workshops; and
               •  activities for members to get to know the DKG Purposes (benefits, personal and professional

                                             Integration with Avenue M
               Due to a decrease in membership, an increase in chapter dissolutions, and declining applications for
            leadership positions, the 2022–2024 DKG Administrative and Executive Boards contracted with Avenue
            M Group, a consulting firm,  to help evaluate what is needed by the Society’s membership in order to
            attract, engage, and retain members today and into the future.
               The Avenue M report* was published in November 2023 with a variety of action plan recommendations.
            Many different options are available for using Avenue M ideas to enhance established Logic Model plans.
            Some of the suggested next steps may fit into plans in place. Leaders may decide to replace or revise
            previous inputs or actions to help achieve their outputs and outcomes. And some may find that research
            results and suggestions from an Avenue M topic resonate
            with what is happening in their state organization and
            choose to add new actions to their plan. Here are several
            examples  of  how  state  organization  plans  align  with
            Avenue M findings:

            Problem of practice: Chapters are dissolving.
            Root causes:
               1) Aging out.
               2) Not connecting with new teachers.
               3) Lack of  leadership at chapter level.
            Theory of action: If we give our members a structure
            and strategies to connect with prospective members, then we would grow and retain new members in
            Action steps:
               •  Develop scripts for presentations to groups; make list of potential contacts.
               •  Develop Marketing for the state organization.
               •  Create opportunities to connect with potential members.
               •  Communicate  with  and  train  chapters  in  hosting  State  Continuing  Education  Clock  Hours
                   (SCHECH) opportunities.
               This plan aligns well with Avenue M recommendations: To increase the value of membership, DKG
            should provide updates on state/federal policies affecting education (35%) and improve communication
            about member benefits, activities, and events (34%) (p. 13); and To make membership more attractive to
            nonmembers, DKG needs to improve communications surrounding member benefits, activities, and events
            (24%) and attract more members that reflect their demographics (17%) (p. 15). These ideas from the
            Avenue M report may help focus outreach content.

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