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whereas the others only provided me with some ‘glows.’ This feedback is
                   vital to me, and I am always wanting to find areas to improve upon.
            With  feedback  and  verbal  persuasion  being  significant  sources  of  self-efficacy,
            instructors  and  students  believed  more  explicit  opportunities  for  feedback  were
               A logistical concern expressed by both instructors and students was the amount
            of  time  and  management  the  microteaches  took  across  the  6  weeks  of  the  field
            experience.  Students  expressed  concerns  with  planning  and  preparing  for  both   Dr. Sheryl McGlamery,
            practicum lessons and the weekly microteach, while instructors expressed concerns   a member of Omega
            about providing and managing timely feedback each week. Instructors wondered if   Chapter in Nebraska
                                                                                              State Organization, is
            the expectations of the experience were “too much” to sustain. We reflected on all   Professor of Science
            the concerns raised about the structure and implementation of the microteaches in  Education at the University
            order to improve the experience the following semester.                           of Nebraska at Omaha.
                                                                                              Her research interests
                                                                                              include science teacher
                 Moving Forward: Revising the Implementation of Microteaches                  development, teacher
               In spring 2021, due to ongoing concerns for safety, our university continued   induction, and gender
            to  implement  a  de-densified  approach  for  on-campus  classes  and  practicums.   equity in STEM. She serves
            Using the feedback gathered from the fall semester, our team set forth making both   as principal investigator
                                                                                              on a national grant aimed
            logistical and structural changes to the microteach model. In response to faculty’s  at the education of middle
            and students’ concerns regarding the amount of planning and preparation that went  school girls in STEM
            into  microteaches,  we  condensed  the  experience  so  that  candidates  taught  and   subjects. smcglamery@
            implemented two microteaches. We utilized the same format for these microteaches
            as in the initial round, but we distributed them across the practicum experience to
            balance the workload and allow students more time to engage in the planning process.
            During the weeks that students did not implement microteaches, they participated
            in  both  professional  learning  sessions  and  instructor-led  reflective  conferences.
            The professional learning sessions, facilitated by instructors and local area teacher
            leaders, provided students with tips, tools, and strategies to enhance their instructional
            performance. The reflective conferences afforded students the opportunity to debrief
            a video-recorded practicum lesson with an instructor individually and to engage in
            the goal-setting process.
               Our team also worked in spring 2021 to enhance the opportunities for students
            to  receive  meaningful,  targeted  feedback  from  both  instructors  and  peers  during
            the microteaches. First, we recruited additional university faculty to assist with the
            microteaches. This eliminated the burden of the instructor observing two students
            simultaneously and ensured that every student received specific written and verbal
            feedback immediately after the lesson. To assist students in providing meaningful
            feedback, we implemented the use of sentence frames to help students structure their
            comments. These sentence frames, which provide specific vocabulary and structure
            for response and discussion (Echevarria, 2016), assisted students in constructing
            focused  feedback  that  assisted  their  peers  in  enhancing  specific  components  of
            their lessons and instructional performance. Examples of sentence frames included
            phrases such as “The best aspect of the lesson presented was __________________”
            or “I have the following suggestion to improve _________________ aspect of the
            lesson.” The peer reviewers were encouraged to list and describe two to three areas
            for improvement and at least one aspect of the lesson that they liked.

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