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49). Thus, educators need
to encourage ELs not only
to answer questions but Speaking is perceived
also to explain and justify
their conclusions and to by many to be the most
ask questions of their own
about anything they do not fundamental of the
understand. language domains...
As these skills are crucial
to ELs’ learning success, it
is useful here to remind the
reader about the importance
of assessing and tracking ELs’ progress toward given benchmarks in all skill areas
(i.e., across domains). Inevitably, such benchmarking involves comparisons across
learner groups, and, for this reason, many states have developed standardized
systems for categorizing ELs by proficiency level in the language of instruction
(U.S. Department of Education, 2016). Some of these schemas take the form of
descriptive accounts of the skills that typify (define) a particular proficiency level at
a particular grade, such as the following for Grade 2:
1. Entering [i.e., beginning] students can work with sentence starters, using
previously taught vocabulary words.
2. Entering or low intermediate students can start with sentence starters to tell
a story in a small-group setting.
3. Transitioning or high intermediate students can tell a story using word banks
and short sentences.
4. Expanding or advanced students can begin to use a glossary and story map
in partnerships or small groups.
5. Commanding or proficient students can start to work independently to
incorporate facts and details within a story. (Espinosa & Velasco, n.d.)
Tracking students across such benchmarks in skills development requires
continuous observation and periodic
assessment. Figure 1 provides a tool for
...Many states have developed use in determining and tracking change
in an individual’s level of language
standarized systems for categorizing proficiency. The instrument, along with
those shown in Figures 2 and 3, was
ELs by proficiency level in the developed for internal use by a team of
language of instruction. educators at the author’s school, a large,
diverse, urban elementary school in the
northeastern United States.
As explained in the instructions,
teachers insert the date at which a student
reaches each benchmark on the rubric. This enables both the assessing teacher and
her colleagues to know when a student is ready for more advanced instruction as
well as to design lesson plans and activities that are effectively targeted to the needs
of the ELs in their classrooms.
16 The Delta Kappa Gamma Bulletin: International Journal for Professional Educators