Page 19 - 2023_Jour_89-5
P. 19

Figure 1
            Rubric for Assessing and Tracking Language Proficiency Level in the Speaking Domain
            (Teachers Record the Date at Which the Indicated Behavior is Observed)

                        STAGES OF SECOND LANGUAGE ACQUISITION: Monitoring for Results

            Directions:  Based on the student’s interactions with you and others, insert the date that best
            describes when the student has hit the benchmark.

            This assessment needs to be done quarterly for each of the four strands:  Listening, Speaking,
            Reading, and Writing.  Each quarter, please date performance indicators that typify the student’s
            English acquisition in each strand.  Feel free to date more than one indicator as appropriate.

                       Beginning                      Intermediate                        Advanced

             Student demonstrates little or   Student’s speech demonstrates   Student can communicate
             no functional communicative    a range of common words,          effectively in most daily social and
             ability in English.            some low-frequency vocabulary  school situations.
                                            though they may avoid topics
                                            with unfamiliar vocabulary.

             Pronunciation significantly    Student occasionally expresses    Grammar and pronunciation errors
             impedes communication.         original ideas with limited       still arise but rarely impede
                                            grammatical structure.            communication.

             Student frequently needs       Student begins to communicate     Speech is reasonably fluent, and
             assistance and is often        on familiar topics of personal    student is usually easily understood
             misunderstood.                 relevance.                        by native English speakers.

             Student is beginning to        Use of academic vocabulary        Student can actively and effectively
             describe situations using a    may be characterized by           engage in extended discussions in
             variety of short sentences.    inappropriate word choice and     most social and academic
                                            awkward phrasing.                 situations.

             Student can ask and answer     Grammar and pronunciation         Student is easily understood by
             simple questions and respond   errors are relatively frequent but  native speakers of English.
             to simple statements.          do not impede communication.

             Student is beginning to        Student demonstrates control      Student demonstrates mastery of
             demonstrate some control of    over basic and many complex       almost all grammatical structures.
             basic grammar.                 grammatical structures and has
                                            a growing inventory of common
                                            idiomatic language.

            Educators’ Choice                                                                                  17
   14   15   16   17   18   19   20   21   22   23   24