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this  researcher  to  explore  the  nuances  and
            complexities  of  the  students’  behaviors  and
            social  structures.  Further,  this  methodology   The data on the observations
            involved  close  collaboration  between  the
            researcher  and  the  student  participants.     showed the need for rephrasing
            Student  participants  were  actively  involved
            in the research process and provided valuable      instructions and examples for
            insights, and this led to a deeper understanding
            of  why  they  lacked  the  self-confidence  to   a clearer understanding of the
            take  social  action  on  family  problems  and               assignments...
            see  the  impact  they  could  have  on  public
            policy  affecting  families  in  the  future.
            This  methodology  was  ideal  for  producing
            actionable insights that could be used to inform instructional practices in any family
            and consumer sciences course. The following research questions guided the study
            and led to the choice of methods used to collect data.

            Research Questions
                1. How can the four critical science-focused instructional strategies increase
            students’ self-confidence in effectively taking social action on perennial or emerging
            issues affecting families?
                2. How can the four critical science-focused instructional strategies increase
            students’  understanding  of  the  impact  they  can  have  on  public  policy  affecting
            families in the future?

            Research Design
               The  constructivist  grounded  theory  approach  was  employed  in  this  study
            because it is a qualitative research method that emphasizes the active construction
            of knowledge and understanding by the researcher in collaboration with participants
            (Charmaz,  2017;  Strauss  &  Corbin,  1990).  The  constructivist  grounded  theory
            approach encourages researchers to engage in a process of open-ended exploration,
            allowing them to understand deeply the complexity and nuances of the problem
            they  are  trying  to  solve. This  is  important  in  action  research  studies,  where  the
            problems  can  be  multifaceted  and  require  a  thorough  understanding  to  generate
            effective solutions (Charmaz, 2017; Strauss & Corbin, 1990). Because this approach
            emphasizes the importance of collaboration and co-creation between the researcher
            and the participants, it allows the researcher to work directly with the people affected
            by the problem and to generate solutions that are tailored to students’ needs and
               The  goal  of  employing  the  constructivist  grounded  theory  approach  was  to
            generate effective instructional strategies with a critical science emphasis that would
            generate actionable insights in meeting the purpose of this research. This approach
            was  flexible  and  adaptable,  allowing  this  researcher  to  modify  the  instructional
            strategies to gain new insights and understanding for meeting the research questions
            (Charmaz, 2017). To employ this method, the researcher collected data from two
            main sources.

            Data Collection
               The  first  qualitative  collection  of  data  involved  critical  self-reflection  essays

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