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Figure 1
Heuristic Inquiry Reactivity
Dr. Kaija Teikari
completed her doctoral
work in 2016 at the
Institute of Educational
Leadership, University
of Jyvaskyla, Finland,
where she was a lecturer
2007–2016. Previously
an English teacher, a
philosophy teacher,
and a headmistress at
the middle and upper
secondary school levels,
Teikari is a member of
Alpha Chapter in Finland
State Organization, where
she served as president
2015–2016. She has also
Note. Reprinted by permission from Patton (2002, p. 488). served on the International
Educational Excellence
Research Data Acquisition Committee (2022—2024).
The research was carried out in a Finnish city of approximately 20,000
inhabitants. In the school year of 2005–2006, there were 10 comprehensive schools
and one upper secondary school in the city. The numbers of comprehensive and
upper secondary school students were 2,548 and 570, respectively, representing a
total of 3,118 students. The total number of teaching staff was 226.
An outline of the education sector of the example city is depicted in Figure
2. Two superintendents, 10 principals, 75 teachers, 5 school secretaries, and the
mayor of the city answered the research questions either in a one-to-one interview
or via email. A total of 75 teacher questionnaires were completed, either during
teachers’ meetings or using 15–20 minutes of their lesson time for answering the
questionnaires. I either visited these schools and collected the papers directly or the
school secretary forwarded them to me. Some questionnaires were also completed
by email. I also received emails from five school secretaries and two cooks. Small
handwritten notes were handed over to me by a caretaker and five cleaners.
Promoting Professional and Personal Growth of Educators and Excellence in Education 15