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should do our duty…do a little more…material, excessive well-being is not worth
pursuing…I can’t speak for others…”
Only three persons mentioned the traditional Finnish compound of home,
religion, fatherland. If any one or two parts of the trinity or other words resembling
them were mentioned—be they family related (= home) or Christian-humanistic (=
religion)—I counted them among the 15 expressions.
One teacher noted: “Nature—the human being as a part of nature: I try to teach
nature’s importance to each one of us.”
One teacher was an advocate for clear rules, which could also advance safety.
Good manners and teachers’ (former) authority were hoped for and so connected to
Getting Along
The group of Getting Along included the following thoughts:
• A person showing candor speaks openly and honestly.
• Tolerance, courage, resilience, and responsibility are needed every day in
• More humor should be used (according to two teachers).
• Creativeness would have needed “a long story to be opened up” (a teacher’s
As Such
I called the smallest and most difficult group to label As Such. Goodness,
truth, and beauty have been wrestled by philosophers throughout the ages. A
superintendent in this study called this triad basic values that are taken into practice
through leadership, rules, and strategies.
As Such actually helped to build a new table of values: four groups of conceptions
were condensed into two categories of description, practical and idealistic—only
the position of the groups
was altered. Figure 3 also
helps to define educational
excellence: It clearly shows Goodness, truth, and beauty
the importance of practice
in school life but also have been wrestled by
encourages one to enter the philosophers throughout the
world of idealism. Table
2 also presents the third ages.
phase of content analysis:
20 The Delta Kappa Gamma Bulletin: International Journal for Professional Educators