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school counseling program and after-school tutoring; the demand is high.
As a reading specialist, I continually seek ways to help my Grade 7 and 8 students
come to the table ready to learn. Remediating reading is my primary role, but that
can only happen when students are regulated; therefore, addressing needs beyond
reading in my classroom becomes necessary. Teaching students to self-regulate
is how I can support their wellness in tandem with elevating their literacy. Self-
regulation is the ability to manage one’s own energy state, mood, attention, and
Andrea Rutledge, middle behavior, and that is exactly what my students need as much as—or arguably more
school English Language than—reading support.
Arts interventionist,
is a member of Chi Last school year, I collaborated with a yoga instructor to explore chair yoga and
Chapter in Pennsylvania meditation with my classes. My students had a positive response to these sessions
State Organization. She and asked if we could do them again. We continued practicing mindfulness and
currently serves as the intentional breathing. I have seen anxiety melt away with strategies such as 60
social media coordinator seconds of silence (Figure 1) where we turn out the lights, close our eyes, breathe
for Chi Chapter and is
on the communications deeply, and check in with ourselves. We have discussed self-regulation and practiced
committee for the state using our breath proactively to stay regulated. I have witnessed the students’ self-
organization. She is awareness increase as evidenced by their comments and behaviors; however, these
the recipient of DKG practices had been teacher-directed as opposed to self-managed. The isolated efforts
state organization and within my classroom were not enough for students to self-regulate across settings
international scholarships
for her doctoral work throughout the day. For this reason, I sought additional ways to help my students.
pursuing an EdD in Breathing had been easy to implement in my instructional routine; however, I was
Cognitive Studies in striving to support the generalization of self-regulation skills.
Literacy at Widener
Figure 1
andreaerutledge@ 60 Seconds of Silence
Photo copyright: A. Rutledge, 2024
44 The Delta Kappa Gamma Bulletin: International Journal for Professional Educators