Page 51 - 2024_Jour_91-1
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― 67% reported a benefit to using the calm strips.
― 33% reported no benefit of using the calm strips.
Of the students who reported a benefit to using the calm strips (67%),
― 92% used it at school, and 22% used it at home.
― 84% reported that the strip is easy to use, and 40% said it is discreet.
― 61% said they were more focused, and 59% said it made them feel calmer.
― 98% recommended purchasing calm strips again.
Of the students who reported no benefit to using the calm strips (33%), 60% said,
“It’s just not my thing, but I use something else to self-regulate.” The strategies they
reported using were as follows:
― 33% used breathing strategies other than the calm strip.
― 24% used visualization.
― 23% used muscle relaxation.
Notably, visualization and muscle relaxation had also been part of the lessons
students received.
The students also offered insightful reflections in the survey:
• The calm strips help me if I’m super nervous for a presentation or project.
• I used the calm strip when I was stressed about a test in science, and it really
helped me focus and be more relaxed before taking the test.
• Like at first you might think it’s weird, but you should give it a chance
because it is a good tool that you can use if you are stressed or frustrated.
• It is helpful, and no one will notice if you are worried about people seeing
you stressed.
• It is a helpful thing to use when you are stressed, and it doesn’t distract you.
• The texture felt nice on my fingers, and it helped me calm down.
• Even though it doesn’t seem like much, it would help you when you least
expect it.
• You can tell your parents to relax and, after that, talk about stuff.
• I personally don’t use the calm stripes very often, but I think they have
the possibility of helping people who are very anxious. But yeah, I would
definitely get them next year. I know that they helped many people.
• I think that they are a very compact and stylish way to help keep a student’s
composure stable.
• When I get really shaky or anxious, my calm strip helps to calm me down. I
use my calm strip during class because it helps me focus. I think that this will
help the incoming students.
• Even if you don’t think you need it, it’s a great source to have.
Finally, in April 2024, I provided an update to Chi Chapter during a business meeting
about the outcome that the Presidential Visionary Award afforded my students and
school population overall. The benefits of this project have extended beyond my
own classroom and will reach into subsequent years for these adolescents.
The Takeaway
I achieved many important takeaways through the process. Two with the
broadest implications are (a) ongoing support (time, attention, and resources) is
needed to teach self-regulation in the secondary school setting; and (b) students and
Promoting Professional and Personal Growth of Educators and Excellence in Education 49