Page 47 - 2024_Jour_91-1
P. 47

The Opportunity
               As  a  possible  remedy,  I  stumbled  upon  calm  strips  (,
            which are textured stickers that can help a person calm down when they feel restless.
            Students can place a calm strip on their iPad case, binder, or other easy-to-access
            spot (Figure 2) that is convenient for use, and I aimed to use the calm strip as a visual
            reminder to breathe.

            Figure 2
            Sample Placements of Calm Strips

            Photo copyright: A. Rutledge, 2024

               My discovery of calm strips prompted me to take advantage of an opportunity to
            write a grant to support my vision for teaching students how to self-regulate (so we
            could then get to the reading part of the class). My local DKG chapter in Pennsylvania
            State  Organization  offers  an  annual  Presidential  Visionary  Award  administered
            by  the  Past  Chi  Chapter  Presidents  for  continuing  the  legacy  of  leadership  and
            innovation within Chi Chapter. I applied and was selected to be the recipient of the
            2023 Presidential Visionary Award in the amount of $300. This provided enough
            money to purchase calm strips for all the students in my intervention classes.
               Seeing the need to reach beyond my own classroom and turn this idea into a
            school-wide initiative, I decided to apply for another grant. My school district’s
            education foundation offers teachers grants that are designed to enrich and enhance
            the  lives  of  students  in  the  classroom  by  allowing  teachers  to  try  creative  ideas
            without incurring financial burden. I was selected and felt excited (and calm)!

                                         The Implementation
               At the beginning of the 2023–2024 school year, I purchased 700 calm strips so
            that every single child and adult at the middle school could receive one (Figure 3).

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