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visible as users communicate through thought. These limitations keep the door tightly closed
Such technology will not be an issue to discuss or on global education opportunities. Advocates
publish; it will be a natural part of the global society. are on the other side, pulling the door open for
The global minds of the nations’ students are all children. Such advocacy is priceless and a
ready and waiting at the door of opportunity for cornerstone to their future successes. Ensuring
access and advocacy, but this door is not easily student success comes from schools adopting a
opened for all students. Access to technology, mission statement that includes the outcomes of
updated curriculum, trained teachers, and informed their graduates as globally aware, independent,
administrators is scarce in many communities. responsible learners and citizens (Wagner, 2009).
Victor’s family purchased his technology.
He has been exposed to the international world and the organic nurturing of a global mindset.
Ensuring access to all students is the next step.
A Teacher’s Global Mindset
Ms. Hall waits at her classroom door for late arrivals.
Her greetings acknowledge each student with personal reminders and encouragement.
The desks are filling with 26 freshmen who look vastly different from those who attended when she
started teaching in the same school 23 years ago. She is a global educator.
Today’s classroom culture embraces students
who speak multiple languages and are raised in
households with an array of cultural traditions. Yet
all have the same expectation of their teacher and
their school: Teach them.
The global classroom is here. The percentage
of students raised in cultures different from that of
their teacher is rising. From an American teacher’s
perspective, global education has been present
for years. As an innovative and adaptable teacher,
she has learned how to teach individuals, not just
content. The students respond to different methods.
Global education is pragmatic. Learning results are interact and how they learn gives her insight on
the guide to effective pedagogy. how to build her cadre of learning tools.
Look closely at her new lesson. The What will this globally aware teacher think
globalization of education is witnessed in the of global education tomorrow when she walks
content. An effective teacher is keenly aware of the into her classroom or next year when she receives
language and cultural barriers that necessitate such her class assignment and sees the demographic
a well-developed lesson. Project-based lessons, make-up of her students? Her responsibility is
differentiated groups, and active lessons are all to give students what they need to learn to build
in the teacher’s basket of options for her globally confidence in themselves and grow to be satisfied
diverse learners. “Practice does not make perfect” and competent adults. In a perfect world, her own
in this case. Each lesson is different because each needs are met with quality, targeted, and relevant
student is different. Watching how her students training.
Dr. Brenda Kay Small is a member of Eta Chapter in Colorado State Organization and has been a member of DKG for 21 years. She is an author and
affiliate professor with interests in education leadership, advanced learners, career academies, teacher advocacy, and parent empowerment. She has
served as a high school and middle school principal as well as a teacher of the social sciences. Small is currently serving communities and schools as an
education consultant.
Collegial Exchange · 9