Page 12 - 2021-Mag-88-2
P. 12


                 A new teacher is walking into her Grade 4 classroom for the first time.
                 She was educated in Nepal and has an excitement for teaching in her eyes. She describes herself as
                 a born teacher. Globalization of education just walked in the door.
                 Her students will thrive under her careful and competent watch.

            School Leader’s Global Mindset

                 “I was walking through our courtyard right before the
                 dismissal bell.
                 I heard at least four different languages spoken in the
                 groupings of students.
                 But what really made me proud as a principal was one
                 friend group of older students.
                 One student was covered in tattoos with just enough
                 clothes to stay within dress code. She was in a deep conversation with her longtime friend in a
                 hajib. There were others in the group with the same extremes. These friends are global students
                 with a global mindset.”

               Those who would lead a school with a global         School leaders often experience a pressure
            mindset must listen to the teachers, students, and   to be quiet and follow what the overall district’s
            parents. An aware school leader jumps at any       guidelines command. Student demographics are
            opportunity to expand the world of the people      not easily generalized. Schools reflect a unique
            impacted by her or his school. For example, course  community of needs. An innovative school
            offerings can capitalize on a school’s diverse     leader explores what works; listens to teachers,
            cultures. Every state has a course catalogue with   students, and parents; and makes changes to meet
            golden global nuggets waiting to be adopted and    their unique needs. A global competence, which
            taught by qualified teachers. Leaders with a global   includes the set of characteristics, knowledge, and
            mindset add courses in religion, philosophy,       skills needed to live and work in a diverse, global
            global issues, and so forth to the master schedule.   society helps educators balance social-emotional
            Intercultural clubs can revive a campus with a     and academic learning goals. School leaders
            celebration of music, food, language, and customs.  are critical in designing and scaling relevant
            Why is this still considered risk-taking?          global learning experiences for both students and
               Globalization is not the generalizing of        teachers (Tichnor-Wagner, 2019).
            education. Savvy school leaders skillfully adapt
            their staffing, scheduling, teaching, and learning   Conclusion
            goals to their unique student population each year.    Clearly, the global perspective of education
            Resources are present; they simply need to be      is in the mindset of most students, teachers,
            tweaked in the right direction. Ask the students;   and leaders present in schools. The changes are
            they will tell you what they need. Watch the       welcome, with a need to learn new technology
            students blossom in their culturally diverse and   and adapt current ideas. As citizens in a changing
            global learning environment. Research on student   world, educators have organically adapted to
            voice is grounded in the belief that students have   this transforming educational environment. The
            substantial knowledge about their learning needs   benefits of technology have opened doors for
            and that institutions must use and promote this    learning. As classroom diversity increases and
            knowledge by positioning students as active,       technology improves communication systems,
            critical, and positive contributors to all aspects of   there will be a welcome shift in pedagogy that
            student life (Landorf, 2019).                      focuses on the learning of individuals. This global
                                                               perspective enhances the education community.

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