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            Clay once told me that she saw the child as     Recovery teacher as she guides the child who
        the lead as the child and teacher dance together.   might otherwise be recommended and labeled
        She also described the strategic reader and writer   as dyslexic. If the student does not demonstrate
        as one who is able to attend to something, act      growth after 20 Reading Recovery sessions, the
        upon it, and work with it. It was exciting to spend   records of those sessions can be used to determine
        a week in the Auckland school and observe the       a special plan for future help for the student in
        teachers using Clay’s diagnostic tools, working     reading and writing.
        with groups of all sizes, and providing reading and    The Common Core State Standards (2021)
        writing tasks all day. The students were active and   that give guidance to all primary teachers in the
        stayed on task. Students had the opportunity to     United States include a category named “Print
        use strategies they had already developed and to    Concepts.” Although her name is not mentioned,
        observe higher level strategies that were modeled.   all of Clay’s concepts are there; the role of the
        At times, a student became the teacher with a       teacher is outlined and strategies versus skills
        lower-level group or student. Content-area studies   are emphasized. This means that teachers need
        were part of the reading and writing activities.    to be trained to model, guide, and provide ways
            What I saw was students in the early stages     for students to use the strategies as they develop
        of reading developing what Clay called “inner       problem-solving approaches that enable them to
        control.” In Becoming Literate (1991, p. 12) she    become fruitful readers and writers.
        shared three strategies that successful readers        Clay’s techniques of early-literacy instruction
        must use as they work out their own effective       garnered the following honors for her:
        approaches  and can then read silently. Failing       •  Dame Commander of the British Empire,
        readers seem less able to do these things:             1987;
          1. Learn specific details about reproducible parts   •  New Zealander of the Year, 1998;
             of words.                                        •  International Reading Association Reading
          2. Learn what to attend to and use features they     Hall of Fame, 1982;
             can remember.                                    •  David H. Russell Award from National Council
          3. Use their previous experiences and knowledge      of Teachers of English; and
             to draw on networks of information while         •  Humanitarian Award for Reading Recovery
             reading or writing that word or another           from Australia, Canada, India, New Zealand,
             word.                                             United States, and United Kingdom.
                                                            Stirring the Waters: The Influence of Marie Clay
        Support for Clay’s Methodology                      (Askew & Gaffney, 1999) includes a biography of
            Research by Carillo-Perilloux (2018)            Clay’s life and essays written by literacy leaders
        in Louisiana addressed students who were            using Reading Recovery in six different countries.
        successfully discontinued from Reading Recovery        I cherish the influence of Marie Clay on my
        in Grade 1 and who later, as third graders, tested in  work as an educator. Furthermore, I believe her
        the highest student-sustained-reading achievement   influence continues today as schools in countries
        groups in their schools. Doyle (2018) of the        around the world continue to stir the waters to
        University of Connecticut cited the recognition     support reading instruction using Clay’s concepts.
        that diagnostic teaching can direct the Reading

        Dr. Geraldine Haggard is a 50+-year member of Iota Omega Chapter in Texas State Organization. She taught for 37 years in the Plano, Texas, school district. In 2021,
        Haggard was recognized by Texas Woman’s University with their highest honor: the Distinguished Alumni Award for Service to Society.

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