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DKG Practice/Program
What was something valuable you I want to encourage those around me to be willing
learned about yourself from the book and to take advantage of them. The book makes a
the group’s discussions? great point: to get started, ask just one question.
Marti Daily: I found (not for the first time!) Then stop and LISTEN to the answer! This is
that I don’t automatically listen actively enough to an especially good point when trying to recruit
be the coach I’d like to be—it takes specific effort someone to join my DKG chapter or to step into a
and attention to the goals of others. leadership role within the chapter.
Glenda Ferguson: If I could only go back to Glenda Ferguson: The guidelines of the
my early self when I mentored first-year teachers, book have benefited my co-president and me. We
I would certainly have been better at coaching divide up duties into before, during, and after
them through tough situations with their students. the meeting. Together we plan the agenda; she
Listening to my colleagues and DKG members conducts the meeting while I take notes and listen
without jumping in with advice produces much to interactions; and we both discuss long-term
better results. I am still a work in progress! goals. I discovered my fellow DKG members have
Bonnie Moore: I have read The Coaching tremendous hidden talents. Perhaps they are just
Habit several times. Upon rereading it to use as waiting to be asked to take the lead on a meeting
a resource for my presentation, I learned that one or a project.
knows and internalizes something, but unless Bonnie Moore: It reminded me that, as
he or she works at continuing to use it, it is not members and leaders, we need to listen and coach
automatic. As a certified coach, I know how to more and tell less. We are great about telling
coach. If I don’t continue to use them, my skills everyone about DKG and how to do what needs to
lapse, and I am not as effective as I want or need to be done, but listening to what our members need
be for those I coach and for myself. and want and coaching them to those ends is far
Judith Neilan: I am quick to jump in and more effective and valuable for them and for our
“fix” the problem, which often means I have not organization. Coaching will help us effectively
given the other person a chance to work through handle any change that we encounter and allow
the problem on her or his own. Students have us to be more resilient and successful. Building
grown to expect teachers to point out errors in effective leaders takes time, and we have time if
their writing, and sometimes they want simply to we coach.
fix the error but not really revise for better clarity. Judith Neilan: The coaching method will
We have made students overly dependent on us assist in leading chapter members to find solutions
to give them the advice or solution when they are to problems and create more participation.
capable of finding the solution with guidance. Sometimes the members rely on a few people to
Asking the right questions makes this possible. In make decisions or step up as officers, but every
future situations, I plan to listen more, ask more member has the potential to lead if guided by
questions, and allow the person to come up with others. This is no different than guiding students
the solution by using the “coaching” method. into committing to ownership of their work or
projects. The member or the student needs to
What information or insight was most envision the possibility and potential he or she has.
useful for you as a DKG member? It is also important for all of us to accept that there
Marti Daily: My lifelong goal, in any situation is more than one way to solve a problem. We must
in which I find myself, is to make sure someone look at the situation, ask questions, listen to each
is ready to step up and take over for me, which is other, and guide through coaching to the solution,
essential for the long-term strength and viability even when it is not what we may have envisioned
of any organization. The benefits are endless, and the solution to be.
Collegial Exchange · 39