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World Fellowship
Year 2 at Lehigh
The fall and spring terms of Zhanar’s second
year were virtual, and she was disappointed not
to meet and interact in a classroom with other
students face to face. Working on a master’s
degree in special education, Zhanar had had the
opportunity to visit classrooms and observe what
she was learning being utilized during the fall
term in 2019. With the pandemic, this was no
longer possible. Many of the exchange students
had returned to their home countries; only two
Fulbright scholars remained at Lehigh University.
International students at Lehigh prepared national dishes to Ever positive, Zhanar continued with her
share their home cultures.
studies, completed assignments, read books,
Florida. Zhanar and her friends enjoyed the new watched more movies and TV sitcoms, and
lifestyle and atmosphere of South Beach. In Zoomed with friends and family. She shared
February, a trip to Nashville, Tennessee, was on that, through this experience, her self-esteem
the schedule. Zhanar enjoyed the tour at Columbia improved, and the professors at Lehigh were
Recording Studio A and a rock and roll concert. excellent. Some of her favorite courses were
She loved all the cafes with their live music! Behavior Management and Assessment of
March arrived with a pandemic! The Special Education. She loved learning all
coronavirus was all over the news, and everything the interventions and discipline strategies in
was closing. Classes became virtual, and wearing behavioral management. The professor for
a mask everywhere was the new norm! Zhanar Assessment of Special Education made the boring
shared a house with a few other exchange students, more interesting and fun! When Zhanar returns
so at least she was not alone. New worries to Kazakhstan, she hopes to implement inclusion
and concerns about family, friends, what was practices in her country, which currently has no
happening, and what was the plan arose. As spring special schools for special students, and to work
semester continued with all online courses, Zhanar with the Teacher Development Organization to
learned that she would not be able to return home share what she has learned with other teachers or
for the summer. With her ever-present positive maybe teach at a university.
attitude and dedication to making the best of With travel coming back in spring 2021,
every situation, Zhanar enrolled in courses for Zhanar went to a garden in Philadelphia to see
the summer term. Her thoughts—”I might as well the cherry blossoms and to New York City to
continue with my studies”—demonstrated her see the Statue of Liberty. She is impressed with
positive perspective. how Americans respect their history and preserve
During the summer months, Zhanar and her buildings and things that tell their story.
friends took hikes, visited Jim Thorpe, Lehigh This great adventure was just a dream for so
Valley Zoo, and Bushkill Falls in Pennsylvania. many years! Zhanar would never have believed
Zhanar read many books, watched lots of movies that she would have gotten this opportunity. She
or TV sitcoms, and of course Zoomed with family is very grateful for all the cards and notes of
and friends to keep in touch! encouragement from DKG members. The personal
and professional growth that a DKG International
World Fellowship and Fulbright helped to provide
created an experience of a lifetime!
Eileen Little is president of Pennsylvania State Organization (2019–2021) and a member of the International World Fellowship Committee.
62 · Volume 88-2