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DKG Practice/Program
preservation measure. Just as we learned that our students needed to feel safe in our classrooms, our
teachers had that need, too.
We learned that when you invest in the mental health of educators, you don’t just impact the
educators. You impact every student they encounter throughout their careers. We learned that we need
to do better by our teachers. We learned that schools with young people from hard places need teachers
who have extra mental-health support and resources. Teachers cannot and should not be asked to
sacrifice their own mental-health needs.
I would like to believe our project has just started. I plan to take on the challenge of doing better
by our teachers. With a small investment and dedicated members, DKG made a difference for our staff
and their students. I believe that investing in trauma training and services for educators will change the
topography of our high-need schools. We learned a little investment can go a long way.
Kimberly Daugherty is a member of Gamma Kappa Chapter in Kansas State Organization.
DKG: Opportunities, Contributions, Impact
(Reflections on 2021 International Conference San Antonio)
By Janye Brainard
From the beginning Opportunities were available.
Opportunities to greet sisters from all over,
Opportunities to connect with smiles and yes, hugs,
Opportunities to create new Contributions and Impact.
Whether in person or on the screen
Our genuine spiritual fellowship illuminated
Connection, respect, courage, and “personal presence”
Moments at the Mic, moments of opportunity to say “Yes.”
Contributions led by others impacted us all
Through Breakout Sessions and Fast Breaks.
Sharing ideas, growing personally, strengthening membership.
Knowing that we belong and that it cannot be taken away.
Membership is a journey, an opportunity to explore.
To understand the now and prepare for the future,
To come with expectations and to dream,
To look within and to reach out to enrich others.
Be flexible, be nimble, and forward thinking.
Continue a positive journey on your own path.
With courage and determination fulfill
Opportunities, Contributions, and Impact.
Janye Brainard is a member of Kappa Chapter in Texas State Organization.
50 · Volume 88-2