Page 54 - 2021-Mag-88-2
P. 54

Communications & Marketing

            Marketing DKG Within/Beyond the Society

                                Marketing DKG within and beyond the Society requires knowing the facts. DKG
                                International President (2020–2022) Becky Sadowski recently noted that knowing
                                “who we are” and “why we are” is integral in telling the DKG story and is the
                                epitome of marketing. Capturing the essence of the “who” and “why” of DKG is
                                thus the first step in successful marketing for member recruitment and retention
                                and for making DKG a visible force for education in communities.
                                    Who is DKG? The DKG vision statement captures the “who.” DKG is Leading
                                Women Educators Impacting Education Worldwide. Why is there a DKG? The
                                DKG Mission statement clearly explains the “why”—“The Delta Kappa Gamma
                                Society International promotes professional and personal growth of women
                                educators and excellence in education.” The seven Purposes of DKG further
                                solidify why there is a DKG, with key words uniting, honoring, advancing,
                                initiating, endowing, stimulating, and informing.
                                    But as you market DKG within and beyond the Society, remember that, for
                                someone to appreciate the “who” and “why,” they must believe that the message
                                is authentic. Take time to personalize your marketing message so that prospective
                                members, community agencies, and potential donors see DKG as an integral part
                                of your life, their communities, and the educational world as a whole.

                                Implement a Plan
                                    The International Communications and Marketing Committee has attempted to
                                design a plan that allows members to market DKG in their own way and that uses
                                something easy to remember and replicate:
                                  •  WHO?                                  •  WHERE?
                                  •  WHAT?                                 •  WHY?
                                  •  WHEN?                                 •  HOW?
                                    Who needs DKG? Identify educators, community agencies, and donors that
                                need what DKG has to offer. The list includes all educators (active and retired
            *For additional     educators, student teachers, award and grants/scholarship recipients, college students,
            information         educators new to the community or to the field, etc.), local nonprofits, philanthropic
            on marketing        groups or individuals, and more. Create a list of who needs what DKG has to offer.
            strategies, contact     What are the benefits of DKG? Promote personalization through
            the International   acknowledging the value of DKG to you, for others individually, and for the
            Communications      community. Marketing the benefits of DKG as opportunities creates an authentic
            and Marketing       means to nurture those who have been identified as needing what DKG has to
            Committee or        offer. These opportunities include financial assistance/discounts, a showcase for
            see The DKG         one’s work (publish, speak, present, etc.), attendance/participation in professional
            Bulletin Collegial   and personal growth opportunities (conferences, conventions, trainings, seminars,
            Exchange article    etc.), a network for personal and professional fellowship, and service and advocacy
            (Volume 87-4,       in community and educational forums.
            2021): “Take            When is the time to market DKG? The answer is simple! Any time is the
            Action! Master      time to market DKG. Seize planned and unplanned encounters to share your DKG
            the Method of       story. Planned encounters with a colleague or unplanned encounters with persons
            Marketing.”         who mention their schools are examples of the time to market DKG. Be persistent,

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