Page 50 - 2021-Mag-88-2
P. 50

DKG Practice/Program

            students would soon fill the hallways. That first   for many things around the house, and they were
            week of school is always stressful but also very   being taken as a resource.
            exciting. Students were happy to be back in school
            and among their friends in a safe and social place   Problem Solving Begins
            rather than caring for their siblings.                 I took these challenges in stride and got
               The district did not require students to bring   to work. I watched, I learned, and I tried to
            any supplies to school with them. We did not have   figure out how I could help. Our middle school
            a supply list for our classrooms, and very few     students faced barriers that we, as teachers, didn’t
            students came with paper and pencils. Teachers     understand. I worked alongside a team of 100
            brought paper and pencils from home and dug into  staff who shared my enthusiasm and passion for
            their own pockets to help equip their students with   helping. We cheered each other on and celebrated
            folders and materials.                             students’ wins. We dug deep, and we tried all
               I live in an affluent suburb, so I put out a call   kinds of engagement techniques. We cried tears
            for supplies from my neighbors. Fortunately, they   of shared frustration for the students we weren’t
            responded, and I was able to take in boxes of      reaching. We fumed when we were told our testing
            materials for my math teaching team. The donated   scores were not good enough and we needed to
            pencils, protractors, and paper were lifesavers.   push our kids further.
               In addition to having no school supplies, we        Of our 100 staff, only 10 resided in the district
            were not provided math books. Students came        in which we taught. That meant that 90% of us did
            to class every day empty handed, and we were       not fully grasp the challenges of the community.
            to have materials prepped and printed for them.    We saw the behaviors, and we saw the test scores,
            Several weeks into the school year, we got a       but we were only guessing at the barriers.
            message that we were making too many copies and        Our staff was motivated and working hard, but
            each teacher would be allowed one ream of paper    we were missing the mark. Our students were not
            per month. Teachers had to go to the office on the   performing at a record pace, but our office referrals
            first Monday of each month to get their single     were setting records. I saw the same students in
            pack of paper. Keep in mind, in math we had no     the hallways every day, the same kids sitting in
            textbooks, so 100% of our materials had to be      administrators’ offices week after week, the same
            printed. We were told to make a copy that could be  names on the in-school suspension list. I saw kids
            shared among the classes we taught every day and   refusing even to enter a classroom because they
            that our classes of 30+ students should share these   knew it was only a matter of minutes before they
            printouts across all three sections. We were told to   would be sent to the office.
            be more creative, to dig deeper, and to understand     I am not a licensed teacher. My training is in
            our school did not have the funding to provide us   psychology and criminal justice. My psychology
            with more paper.                                   training helped me to get my students excited and
               How were we to increase students’ math skills   engaged in math tutoring. This was great for kids
            with no supplies and without the ability to send   who lacked enthusiasm about math. It was less
            them home with practice materials? The response    than effective for students who had many more
            was that each teacher was provided a small budget   barriers than enthusiasm.
            (less than $200) per classroom. Every math teacher     I have been a foster parent for years, and I have
            I talked to used that classroom budget for more    had the good fortune to attend many sessions about
            paper and provided his or her own calculators,     young people from hard places. I have been fortunate
            batteries, and classroom pencils. When I helped    enough to attend Trust Based Relational Intervention
            put away supplies, I noticed that the students     (TBRI) trainings developed by Dr. Karyn Purvis. I
            were taking the batteries from the calculators. The   also have the good fortune to be an active member of
            teachers told me this was because they could use   Delta Kappa Gamma. I began to pull my resources
            the batteries at home. AAA batteries were needed   together and talk with my fellow DKG members.

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