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Center for the Study of Women in Society, among others. After leading the program
for 6 years, I passed leadership to another colleague in the university.
Purpose of the Program
Common Reading at UO is always about building community, enriching
curriculum, and engaging research through the shared experience of reading and
discussing a book in common. [Note: Occasionally a podcast series or other non-
Julie Voelker-Morris is a print work has also been selected as the title for the program.] Typically, selected
Distinguished Teaching titles focus on issues and approaches to anti-racism, cultural inclusion, and equity-
Professor in the School
of Planning, Public minded action in combination with natural, social, or economic environment s.
Policy, and Management, Undergraduate program goals across the institution seek to support students in having
University of Oregon — a positive experience and social belonging during their university education while
Eugene, Oregon. She preparing them for social responsibility, critical thinking, and lifelong learning in the
directed the University local, national, and global contexts in which they will work following their programs
of Oregon Common
Reading Program for of study. Critical thinking, analytical reasoning, and communication skills—key
6 years between 2016- components of the university’s core curriculum—are sharpened through active
2023. Voelker-Morris is participation in group discussions, individual writing exercises, and conversations
a member of Lambda with authors by those who choose to participate voluntarily in the Common Reading
Chapter in Oregon State Program.
This article draws from the Enhancing Critical Thinking Skills and Preparing for Academic Success
author’s workshop about The Association of American Colleges and Universities (AAC&U) has
the UO Common Reading recognized the significant value and impact of common reading programs in higher
Program at the 2023 DKG
International Conference in education (Ferguson, 2006). AAC&U identified that common reading programs
Finland. An earlier version contribute to enhancing essential learning outcomes, including literacy and academic
of this article is to be expectations/experience, especially for students new to navigating life on their own,
published in the Summer life in a university setting, or unexpected circumstances. Further, the AAC&U
2024 issue of OPEN! The recognized the value of common reading programs in building a sense of community
Journal of the Estonian
Association of Teachers of on campus and a commitment to high-quality undergraduate education, with an
English. emphasis on liberal arts education and inclusive excellence. Facilitated knowledge-
sharing and collective learning can develop when people who hold a community in common choose to read the same material. Interactions with colleagues, friends,
and family become enriched as they discuss the shared reading experience. This can
lead to additional collaborative learning and experience, research opportunities, and
strengthening of bonds within the community.
For many students, the transition to college can be challenging. Common reading
programs can serve as a starting point for students to get involved in campus life and
academic activities from the beginning of their degree of study (Laufgraben, 2006).
Exposure to thought-provoking material early in a college journey can help students
think beyond a book, instilling a love for learning and a curiosity to explore more
topics or to apply and adapt ideas learned during and beyond their academic careers
(Miller & Bott-Knutson, 2022). Common reading programs can help students, faculty,
and staff to unify and build empathy as a community, practice critical thinking, and
form a sense of belonging by building connections and communications between
diverse sets of people (Fabian et al., 2023).
28 The Delta Kappa Gamma Bulletin: International Journal for Professional Educators