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exercises, and other course activities and assignments. Participating in the program
                             creates a foundation for academic success in all disciplines as participants practice
                             articulating  their  thoughts  effectively  and  expressing  their  opinions  respectfully.
                             Stronger  communication  fosters  a  healthy  exchange  of  ideas  and  promotes  a
                             harmonious environment.
                                Faculty  and  PhD  candidates  create  curricular  guides  for  each  year’s  themed
                             selection to support faculty in their courses, to engage staff in co-curricular settings,
                             and to facilitate robust student engagement with the selected titles. By collectively
                             exploring the same set of titles, texts, or audio recordings, organizers create a shared
                             experience that transcends academic disciplines and backgrounds. This initiative
                             connects a highly diverse campus, promoting a sense of belonging and involvement
                             from the outset of a student’s first academic connections and engagement within
                             the university. A sense of belonging, in turn, supports the retention and ongoing
                             engagement  of  students  and  fosters  a  cohesive  and  supportive  campus  culture.
                             Beyond  the  campus,  the  program  builds  new  or  stronger  partnerships  among
                             institutional partners and the local community through libraries, nongovernmental
                             organizations, the alumni association, and potential donors or other benefactors.
                                Staff  and  faculty  engagement  enhances  the  sense  of  community  and  support
                             for  students’  learning  journey.  Faculty  from  across  disciplines  teach  with  the
                             book  in  specific  courses,  and  opportunities  outside  of  classes  are  provided  by
                                                            staff,  student  clubs,  campus  museums,  libraries,
                                                            student  housing,  and  other  programs  to  enhance
                   Staff and faculty                        engagement  with  themes  and  topics  of  the
                                                            selections. Faculty can integrate the common text
              engagement enhances                           into  their  courses,  discussion  groups,  field  trips,
                                                            and co-curricular activities and can create cross-
             the sense of community                         disciplinary  connections,  promoting  a  holistic

            and support for students’                       and  cross-disciplinary  approach  to  learning  and
                                                            problem-solving.  Faculty  have  been  involved
                   learning journey.                        in the program from a wide range of disciplines,
                                                            including  art,  physics,  philosophy,  languages,
                                                            global  studies,  psychology,  biology,  history,
                                                            neuroscience,  theatre,  and  more.  Both  staff  and
                                                            students  have  richly  enjoyed  the  unanticipated
                             conversations about the books that have arisen when students see a copy of the book
                             in a staff member’s advising office or the multicultural center or international center
                             lounge. More formally, the program provides opportunities to meet the authors of
                             the books, hold lively discussions with peers and colleagues, and visit museum and
                             library exhibitions curated around themes of the books—key methods of significant
                             student engagement described by Fargo and White (2019).

                                                        How Titles are Selected
                                Individuals often ask for lists of the books selected for the program and how
                             selections are made. The UO Common Reading organizers seek to select digestible,
                             thought-provoking works on topical, timely, and complex subjects that support the
                             development of critical thinking skills while engaging in difficult topics respectfully.
                             The UO program follows recommendations by Nadelson and Nadelson (2012) to
                             follow a clear purpose, focus on student development, and consider selection type and

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