Page 12 - 2022-Mag_88-4
P. 12


                        Sale of Headquarters

                              As most members know, the DKG headquarters building in Austin, Texas,
                          has been sold, and staff have moved into temporary leased office space. The
                          Constitution requires that money from the sale be placed in the Permanent
                          Fund. Currently, the Constitution only allows the Society to rent office space
                          or construct a headquarters building. A PA gives the administrative board the
                          additional option of purchasing a building or purchasing land and constructing
                          a headquarters building. This amendment gives greater flexibility in acquiring
                          the best possible headquarters building at the most economical cost.


                              The history behind Founder Annie Webb Blanton’s decision
                          to name the Society with Greek letters—Delta Kappa Gamma—
                          is firmly established. Simply put, she “chose a name that would
                          be ‘acceptable’ in a time when women were not allowed to
                          organize in professional groups…shield[ing] the Society by using
                          a name that sounded like a sorority—a type of organization that
                          WAS permitted in 1929” (CE, 2018, p. 7). In 2018, members
                          wondered whether that name “confuses others who assume
                          DKG is a sorority rather than a professional society of women educators” (p. 7)
                          and adopted changes to terminology that promoted the sorority image, such as
                          “initiation.” A PA to alter the name of the Society did not pass at that point but is
                          being offered again in 2022. If adopted, this amendment would change the name
                          of the organization to “Women Educators Society International (DKG).”
                        International Conferences

                        and Conventions


                              Another key area in which PAs seek to capture and update current practice relates
                          to clarifying responsibility for the business side of international conventions and
                          conferences. Again, a bit of history helps. Input from members in multiple surveys in
                          varied years preceding the 2018 international convention indicated that, although they
                          loved the networking and friendships that evolved from regional conferences and the
                          opportunity to visit new places and do new things, they had concerns about the costs in
                          time and money for these events. Accordingly, in 2018, proposals to reframe the regional
                          conferences as international conferences were accepted by the convention body.
                              To be clear, the changes did not eliminate the basic regional structures
                          within DKG but only the conduct of conferences. “Regions were designed to
                          provide a convenient structure for activities and oversight. Based on feedback
                          from members, the convenience and effectiveness of this arbitrary structure
                          have diminished. One might even argue that as our Society… has evolved,
                          the structure has begun to outweigh the focus” (CE, 2018, p. 11).

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